viernes, 26 de junio de 2020

My subject favorite

Hello, I hope that all are fine, today I will talk about my subject favorite in this semester. This semester is complicate for all because is other modality, is a semester online. Before talk in depth about my subject, I will like talk about my experience in this semester online, It has been complicated, for reason of concentration, Internet connection, stress for x motive, etc. In spite of that, we have teachers that understand this problems and make his class more pleasant.

Now I talk about my subject favorite jaja, this is Analytical Chemistry. This subject is about identification and chemical measurement, with the purpose to generate information about the composition of a sample. So far we have seen, effects of the pH about the solubility and potential redox, analysis of anions and cations, volumetry acid-base. 

Why I like this subject? A motive is the contents that are interesting for me, and other motive is for the teachers, in my opinion the teachers of Analytical have had a attitude very valued, they have good disposition for answer the questions, upload exercise extra, give time plenty for the examen in case something happenes to the student.

sábado, 20 de junio de 2020

My website favorite?

It is complicated write this blog because I never I have not thought about my website "favorite". Therefore I will talk about two websites that I visite often, one of them is "Vadecum"  this website is enough usable for the people who are interested in the matter of pharmacy, because this website publish information about medications, illnes, clinical trial and many more information related to the pharmacological area.

And the other website is "Breaking Vlad" this is a channel about Chemistry, now with the semester online I usually visit this channel more frequently. I must accept that this channel, "saved my life" in the university, always I saw his videos before of a control or a test, is a great complement for when something it is not clear for me. This channel have a lot of subject about chemistry, I like this channel because the person that explain the subject, He explains in such a concise way that it is easy to understand, besides He makes many exercise.

You know, If you complicate with chemistry search Breaking Vlad:D.

sábado, 6 de junio de 2020

My favorite photography

Hello, today I will talk about my favorite photography. This photography was took by my brother, I dont remember the year that was took.

This photo is so peculiar because the photography is the copy of the first. Between photos there is a difference of approximately 15 years.

In this photo appear my mother and me. The photo is so special for me because with her, I can remember that I was very happy when child, I remember my usual jokes that now are anecdotes. The happiness of my childhood is reflected in my face jaja, I was a child very restless with the time everything changed.
Always that my brothers visit the house, They see all photos that they are in the house, every time tell new histories related with the photos

I like see photographys because they always have backstory, the photos and pictures reflect the feelings of the authors.