sábado, 6 de junio de 2020

My favorite photography

Hello, today I will talk about my favorite photography. This photography was took by my brother, I dont remember the year that was took.

This photo is so peculiar because the photography is the copy of the first. Between photos there is a difference of approximately 15 years.

In this photo appear my mother and me. The photo is so special for me because with her, I can remember that I was very happy when child, I remember my usual jokes that now are anecdotes. The happiness of my childhood is reflected in my face jaja, I was a child very restless with the time everything changed.
Always that my brothers visit the house, They see all photos that they are in the house, every time tell new histories related with the photos

I like see photographys because they always have backstory, the photos and pictures reflect the feelings of the authors.

5 comentarios:

  1. It's great that they updated the photo to see how they have changed! you look very happy

  2. As Celia said, could be a nice idea to update this photo! It will be the best memory that you can get

  3. It's like the tik tok where you have to do the same, I mean put a old photo and replicate it in the present.

  4. very good photography,it's amazing to see how time passes.

  5. So beateful my kid, kisses to your mother
